Genuine Happiness on a Piece of Cardboard | Teen Ink

Genuine Happiness on a Piece of Cardboard

March 15, 2017
By Valentina.inspire BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Valentina.inspire BRONZE, Miami, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;In a gentle way, you can shake the world,&quot; <br /> Mahatma Ghandi

Just as winter break began, I hosted an arts and crafts activity at the Lotus House shelter with my mom, which is something that I have been impatiently awaiting, although the event existed completely differently in reality than what my brain wonderfully anticipated, mainly since it is hard to imagine something that makes your serotonin levels drop, nearly putting your mind in a daze, and when this happens, you are led to wonder why some people were served life on a piece of cardboard, while others were served life on a golden platter, which is what my mind continues to ponder to this day, because until one sees with her own eyes the harsh actuality of poverty, disease, insanity, mental illness, violence, hunger, inequality, and injustice, can she live in a skeptical state of mind, not believing, but instead questioning everything, because at Lotus House, the neglected children, not by their parents, but by the world, still held the brightest smiles on their faces, as privileged children do when opening presents from Santa Clause on Christmas morning, which led me to understand that happiness does exist, by the authentic joy of others gently swaying in the wind and landing in the hearts of those who witness this phenomenal concept, and this was present in my heart when I exchanged overwhelming glances with my mom, as these courageous children with beautiful hearts know what happiness is, and it is this happiness that keeps them safe within the broken walls and dangerous streets of their living situation, because they have no other choice, and when it comes to the doubtful ideology of reality, this is all they know, genuine happiness on a piece of cardboard.

* Lotus House supports homeless women, youth, and children in Miami, FL.

The author's comments:

When we open our hearts, beautiful things may happen.

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