Broken Toe | Teen Ink

Broken Toe

June 16, 2014
By kelstrappy BRONZE, Lees Summit, Missouri
kelstrappy BRONZE, Lees Summit, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is always a little truth behind every just kidding, a little curiosity behind every just wondering, a little knowledge behind every I don't know, and a little emotion behind every I don't care.

I thought it was just another night, but it was the first time I saw the truth. My friend walked out the door and I stupidly started to dance around the kitchen. I realize now that it wasn't a very good idea. I guess smacking your toe against a counter can cause an injury. Later on, I found out it was broken. After I finally got myself off the floor and out of a pool of my own tears, I shuffled down to my mother's room. My dad was at work that night, so he would not be in there. The smell of wine instantly filled my nostrils as the door creeked open. I was just a naive little girl so I thought nothing of it as I climbed onto the unmade bed. Tears were still threatening to spill out as I told my mom what had happened. To my surprise, she told me to just lay down with her instead of helping me. This pharmacist who had always been concerned about my safety was now completely ignoring the pain I felt. How could she say these things to me. When I refused to accept that, she started to yell at me and tell me I was fine. I fled the dungeon of this evil monster and yanked the phone off the receiver, quickly dialling my father's cell phone. After a couple rings, he picked up and I explained everything to him in the shortest amount of time possible. I'm surprised he could even understand what I said! He seemed unfazed my this news, I found out later he already had his suspicions. Maybe breaking a toe isn't a huge deal to most people, but the night I broke my toe changed my life forever. I realized my life would never be the same and my mom was not the person I always thought she was. I wish I could have believed everything was perfect longer, but I know that being kept in the dark wouldn't have changed anything. The funny thing is, the next day at school I was called hippo during a game. If only those boys realized what had happened the night before. Maybe they would've thought about what they were saying...but that's another story for another time.

The author's comments:
Who knew breaking your toe could change how you viewed everything?

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