Grandpa, I love you. <3 | Teen Ink

Grandpa, I love you. <3

December 31, 2010
By ForeverMusicAsh BRONZE, Longwood, Florida
ForeverMusicAsh BRONZE, Longwood, Florida
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
ruth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.&quot; -Bob Marley<br /> <br /> &quot;I&#039;d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.&quot;- Kurt Cobain

When my grandfather passed, which was about a couple years ago I was so sad that he passed that I barely could do anything. All I wanted to do is see him alive again. When I was at his funeral I saw tons of pictures of me and him together (I was either a baby or around 2 years old) I couldn't help but think why did he have to go so soon? Why Him? Why couldn't I spend more time with him. But, as the years pass I think about him more and more. I'm told that now he's in heaven now and not in pain anymore and I agree. When I feel down I think about my grandfather. He would always make me laugh to the point I couldn't breathe. He'd play with me. He'd do pretty much anything to make me happy. Since I lived in a different state, I only got to see him during the summer when I went to my dads. Which, wasn't a lot because he started to get really tired and wasn't able to go out. About two summers pass and I'm at home with my mom and I get a call from my Dad saying theres something wrong with my grandfather. They found out he had cancer. I stood there with the phone in my hand in some kind of trance. I couldn't move, I couldn't talk, I couldn't do anything but stare. After a couple mins I say over the phone " What? He has cancer?" Of course he kept getting sicker, None of the treatments they gave him worked. He just couldn't fight it anymore and passed. My Grandma Pat was so heart broken to where she never comes out of her house anymore. She never comes to family get togethers because in her mind my grandfather was all she had. He made her happy. He was the only thing that kept her going. After he passed she just wanted to go with him. When losing a close loved one your sad. But, You can still think there watching over you. No matter where you are and whats going on. They'll be right by your side every step of the way.
R.I.P Grandpa &lt;3
We all miss you.

The author's comments:
The passing of my grandfather inspired me to write this piece.

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