Endless Everything | Teen Ink

Endless Everything

May 19, 2010
By Anonymous

Have you ever felt like you should just give up on everything, cause everything you worked on has gone to waste or it just blow up in your face and its not worth living for anymore. The people who claimed they "loved" you, have all walked out the door, but soon enough your life is the next exit. You realize all your hard work goes thru hard pain. There's nothing in life for me. I've lost the keys to all the doors to happiness. All my good loving things have broke. All my friendships have cracked. All my feelings are lost. Everything else has disappeared or is everything horrible just Endless ?

The author's comments:
I Inspired myself to write this piece.I hope you can learn something from this poem because i did. I learned that life has a lot of ugly endless moments But I Might have to face them but i don't have to really stress about them.

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