Reflective Essay | Teen Ink

Reflective Essay

January 22, 2019
By LPG BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
LPG BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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When I lived in Australia I learned a lot of useful things. One of the most important things I learned while living there is that the US will always be home. That fact will impact my life alot and I am glad that I have learned to appreciate it more. For this essay I will be explaining why I will live in  the US when I graduate from college. My three reasons for this are family, freedom and that the US is home.

The first reason why I want to live in the US is because this is where my family lives. Family is one of, if not the most, important things to me. Most of my family lives in the US and we make trips out to Virginia each year to see my grandparents. The drive is long but we do it anyway because my family keeps together no matter where we are. By living in the US, even if we live in different states, we would still be in the same country and if anything happens I could be there in hours. To summarize, family is important.  Family will always be there and lastly family stays with me no matter what. My family is also very patriotic, which brings me to my second point.

 Freedom, freedom is what sets the US apart from almost all other countries.  Here we have a lot more freedoms and in essence choices. Here in America we choose who we want in power and that translates to how it will effect laws, taxes, and the overall well being of our country. In Australia the majority of people just go along with whatever the government or authority figure says to do.  In the US people don’t blindly follow. In Australia my family and I had a lot less freedoms, there were more laws and most laws were enforced through cameras. People would just get a ticket in the mail, that way you wouldn't even know you had gone through a speed trap or a toll gate. Also we have a lot more everyday advantages over Australia.  Our grocery stores have around 10 times the stuff they did, so prices are more competitive here and therefore higher in Australia. Their biggest stores would be a small to medium sized store for us. Also in Australia there are a lot of dumb laws. For instance we got a ticket for parking on our driveway because even though you are responsible for taking care of the land, anything beyond the front of the house is for the public use, so our driveway was only to be used to get into our garage, not park on.  For my final point freedom is the fundamental value for almost all Americans no matter what political opinion they have freedom is the most important. To summarize this point, being an American gives you freedoms and choices that other countries don’t have. For me, America is home.

Home,  this is one of the most important points that I have for my essay.  It has been built up by the two points before this and those points are some of the main reasons for this point here. The US is home because of family,freedom and most of all it just feels like home. My Australia experience was great and a ton of fun but when I was there one of the most unexpected things it taught me is that the US is home and no matter where I go in life here will always be home.

To summarize the US is home and will always be home.

 Family, Freedom and Home. These are all great reasons that I have learned from experience  why the US will be the place I live when I graduate from college. Living in Australia was a great

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