Summer Ball | Teen Ink

Summer Ball

October 19, 2017
By WyattWebb35 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
WyattWebb35 BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I first started playing ball my parents realized that baseball was my sport. The days when i played  on those old dusty baseball fields. I had a lot of fun playing ball and I still do. After I played ball for a while and got some experience my parents and I felt I needed and was ready for better competition. So I went and tried out for LYA. I played for them for a couple years if I remember right, and those couple years we dealt with having good coaches. Every year I made the All-Star team which is the best kids put with the best coaches.


The All-Star team was after your regular season got over, and you didn’t have to do it if you didn’t want to. I of course did every year because I was one of the best ones that played. I felt like a little kid in a candy shop every tournament we went to. At those tournaments the teams were way better than us and we lost almost every single game.  I still played my best and everybody on my team did too. Our coaches would get super frustrated with us, but we were making all the plays we could. I still had fun and everybody on my team did. We got more experience and got to meet some new people. I believe I played for LYA for 3 years and every year i was on the All-Star team and every year the same thing happened.

Once we decided we were tired of LYA we decided to try and find a city team that played down at Bailey Park in Pennfield. We seen that the Battle Creek Shamrocks we’re having tryouts for there 11u team which was the age group I was in. We had heard good things about the shamrocks to, so my parents and I decided I should go tryout for them. A week or so after the tryouts we got a call from the coach saying that I made the team I was super happy and my parents were to.  That first year was great and every year since then has. I’ve been playing for the shamrocks every year since then. This next summer I’m going to be on 17u so I’ve been playing for them for quite a while. I cherish every single moment of those days and wish I could go back and relive them.

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