The Goodbye | Teen Ink

The Goodbye

May 9, 2017
By AlysiaW BRONZE, Chilliocthe, Ohio
AlysiaW BRONZE, Chilliocthe, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was November,16th 2014 Me, my mom, brother and sister had stopped by my uncle Wayne's house to see him because he was really sick and we hadn't seen him in a long while.We had sat and talked to him for like an hour or more, he was telling us that he was feeling a little better, he was able to walk again and he had also told my sister that she may have been stronger than him. We were all laughing and having a good time, we had finally left when it was getting late, we had to get home and get ready for bed.We didn’t talk to him after that until I called him and wished him and my aunt Regina (mimi) a merry christmas. Everything was going go for him and he was staying strong. Then on December 29th,2014 I was laying in bed and for no reason I started thinking about my uncle Wayne. My dad had came upstairs , told me that I needed to come downstairs so he could tell me something and I was thinking in my head that it was my uncle Wayne. I asked my dad if it was my uncle Wayne and  he said “ sissy your uncle Wayne just died” I just feel to the ground , I couldn’t even think, I thought it was a joke . I walked down stairs and I lost it, I couldn’t believe it. My uncle was my best friend I talked to him about everything and he was the only person in the world was really there for me when I just needed to talk to someone. I had lived when him for my whole sixth grade year so he could help me with school and when I left his house we had got into an argument because one of my best friends had died and he had told me that I needed to stop crying because we hadn’t talked in like a year. That was the biggest goodbye I have ever done and it  hurt me more than anything in the world.

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