Memories | Teen Ink


May 9, 2017
By Anonymous

I never really get to see my cousin; we’ve always been close. I have lots of memories with her. I usually visited her ever weekend, then it went to the first weekend of each month. Eventually, it went to twice a year. We used to go on vacations together too; my last summer vacation was a few years ago. I went to Clearwater, FL. My grandparents took us both. We went to the beach every day. I remember looking at the beach; I admired its beauty. I’ve never been to a beach like that. On the first day we went to Orlando Studios; too bad it rained before we could finish the Harry Potter exhibit. It probably was one of the best days of my life. My personal favorite was the marvel section. I remember squealing at the sight of just seeing Wolverine standing there taking photos with fans. Although it was a good amusement park; it wouldn’t have been fun if my cousin wasn’t there. Her being there with me was better than the rides, the souvenirs – even my precious and loved fluffy Captain America book bag – or the thrill of being in Orlando overall. Although this happened ages ago, I still see her sometimes. For instance, I saw her this past weekend. We had a blast; we went to get movies, get ice cream, clothes, you name it. We didn’t even get anything half of the time. We were just trying to get out of the house, have fun and laugh. Even if it lasted the total of 2 and a half days, we made sure to make the most out of it. We reached our goal and had plenty of laughs, like when she bought an Abraham Lincoln hat at this flea market. Or when I tried on these monster clown shoes. I really like hanging out with my cousin; after all, she is my only cousin.  She and I were inseparable from birth to about 2 years ago, and with complications of our parents and our grandparents, we couldn’t really see each other much. We’re only teenagers and without the permission from our guardians, we don’t get to do much. Even though we are not always together, we still love each other more than we did when we were at each other’s hips. I love her so much.

The author's comments:

I really love my family.

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