First Job | Teen Ink

First Job

October 18, 2016
By G4V1N BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
G4V1N BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Throwing lettuce and cheese everywhere. Extreme heat all around me. My muscles sore from a hard day at work.
For as long as I can remember my parents have wanted me to buy anything that I want. If I wanted something, they would say do some chores to make money and pay for it yourself.

Or if I wanted a video game they would say go ask people to mow their lawns for some cash. They would always want me to pay for it myself, they never wanted to just give things to me, they wanted me to work for it. And it was difficult and annoying. I can remember some times when the thing that I wanted was really cheap and it would aggravate me because they wouldn’t just buy it for me. Then as I got older the things that I wanted started to become more expensive. I want a car, I want my license, I want this and that. But my parents would never buy it they would say,

“Get a job and buy it yourself.” 

So that's what I did, I started searching. I started filling out application in March, right after basketball season. I would try to fill out 3-4 a week. But jobs are hard to find. Buy the time June came around my birthday where I turned 16 I hadn’t gotten a single call on any of my applications. But I continued to fill them out determined to find my first job.

I would fill them out everywhere I went, everywhere that had a help wanted sign.

But by the time August came around I was burnt out. I still had no one call me back and when I would call them to check on my app they would say,

“Sorry we just hired some people and now we don’t need anyone.”

“Ok call me if you need anyone else,” would be my reply, more upset every time.

Then one day I got a call. It was from Red Lobster, they said they wanted to give me an interview. So that’s what I did, I went to my interview and they said if I got the job they would call me in a week. Yes, finally.

I was ecstatic, finally my first job.

But the week went on, and no call.

I was furious.

It was like Christopher Columbus trying to find a way to India and just when he thinks he got there, it turns out he’s not anywhere close.

Why would they not call me. Who else was more qualified to clean tables.

That was it I stopped filling out application so much. I had filled one out to just about every place I could think of so I figure what’s the point.

Then my friend Chase told me two weeks later said that he got hired at Taco Bell that they were looking for more people. I hesitated to fill out an application at first but eventually I decided to fill one out.

“I don’t know if I want to work at taco bell.”

Afterwards, I didn’t get my hopes high because I didn’t want to get turned down again.

Then a week later Taco bell called wanting an interview. And when I went to the interview the manager hired me on the spot. I was as happy as I could be.
I finally got a job, finally I was victorious.

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