Favorite Memory | Teen Ink

Favorite Memory

January 29, 2016
By Tasiaa SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Tasiaa SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Favorite memory that I remember was when I had a dream about my pop-pop. He isn’t here physically but he’s still in my heart. I think about my pop-pop a lot so that’s probably why this has occurred.

My dream was about me and my family, and we were all together. We all were eating and sitting around talking and laughing. We heard a knock at the door, we all looked around confused.

I’m thinking myself “well who could this be because everyone here. “

Since I was the closes to the door I went to open it. I opened the door anxiously trying to see who it was. I saw a bright light, sort of yellow the type brightness that will blind you. I saw a man walking up toward me, I thought it was a friend of my grandmas or something. When I saw his face, I ran up to him so fast like I was running a race trying to get first place. Tears ran down my face like a water fall. I cried my eyes out so much. When everyone noticed it was him, they ran to the door. We all were hugging him with Kool aid smiles on our faces.

While we were hugging him he said to us “I’m never leaving you guys again.”

I said to myself “god has answered my prayers, this is too good to be true!”

Sadly I was woken up by my alarm. When I got up I had tears running down my face but I was smiling, with cries of joy. I just really wish that it would have come true. Can you imagine missing someone that’s never coming back? I miss my old man so much. I was happy for having that dream.  No other dream could top it, I promise you that.

The author's comments:

It was a dream that i had and its my favorite memory because me and my poppop was very close. I miss him so much.

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