No Regrets | Teen Ink

No Regrets

January 29, 2016
By veronicasheena BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
veronicasheena BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first time I met one of my best friends it was a disaster of epic-proportions. Her name is Payton and as of today we are as close as ever. Some people would say it’s weird to bond over completely ruining your first-impression, but to us we can look back at the story of how we met and laugh. Honestly, making some mistakes shows people how real you are and they put their guard down in return.

It was winter of freshman year and my soon-to-be friends decided to shadow my school. I did not get an opportunity to talk to either of them until the best part of the day, also known as lunch time. I am not used to initiating the conversation the first time I meet someone, but I had a good feeling about these girls so I decided to be bold and introduce myself first. Feeling a bit nervous, cold chills ran down my back as I strutted over to them with as much confidence that I could muster up. I made the unfortunate decision to walk over with a mug of coffee filled to the very brim. And right when I thought I was going to have a flawless first-impression; I tripped over my own feet and in result splashed the coffee all over the short brunette's crisp white shirt. I broke into a sweat and felt tears start brimming my eyes as I watched her eyes bulge as she looked at the mess I made.  I expected her to yell at me or scream but instead she did the polar opposite and laughed. After being in shock for 30 seconds I started laughing with her.  

It was a horrendous mistake but it was my favorite one. Although her shirt was ruined, it helped me to realize that the next time I meet a new person I don't have to come off as perfect.  I also learned that I can make a mistake and it is possible that a good outcome will come out of it. To this day we still laugh at the story of how we met like an elderly couple recalling how they fell in love. I have no regrets for making that mistake and I never will.

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