Memories That Won't Be Forgotten | Teen Ink

Memories That Won't Be Forgotten

October 23, 2015
By Jeilin BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Jeilin BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Eight years of looking for someone that should been there since day one. I wouldn't though I would have found him at the momment I did. It was a Thursday at midnight when I received a call from Los Angles,

California. "Hi goodnight my name is Ulises and I'm trying to reach Jeilin".

"Yes how may I help you?"

 "I was calling to tell you that I'm your dad's cousin and I wanted to get you in touch with him."


 "Yes...I'm here..."

 "I just can't believe it."

The day after, I found out he was in MD Anderson. My heart droped when I tried to call to at least talk to him, but all I heard was a cardiogram. I hung up and tried calling again, then someone answered and it wasn't my dad. At that moment, they informed me that he couldn't speak. The only way to speak to him is going down there and speking with him. After I hunge up, I cried rivers wondering if this was true or just a joke.

The next day, I headed to the hospital it took me a minute before I was able to open the door and actually meet him. Many thoughts came straight through my head.

It was a mixed emotion, "it's this seriously about to happen." Moments later I walked in and what I saw wasn't near expected to what I thought. I never thought I would see someone in bones especially not my own father, not being able to talk and lisen to him own voice I wanted to smile and think everything was alright but when looked at the big picture I knew many things were wrong. After a couple days, he was released home and to my knowlege he was doing better.

In reality, he was getting worse by the day. A Couple of days later , he asked me to go over to his house. This caused an argument with my family, but I spent the weekend with him anyway. It was a weekend I won't ever forget . It was the last time I held my daddy's hand. It was the last time I saw him alive. I wish I could go back in time make time to get to know him better. Nothing matters more in life than making time for those you love

The author's comments:

I was raised by my mothers parents i never had my parents i meet my dad when i was 15 i meet my mom when i was 13. i started to work as soon as i turned 15 and since then i been independent. I was inspired to write this piece because this was a recent thing that happen to me i hope people can really be grateful to have parents to know them to live with them and spend time , and for those who dont dont worry God does everything for a reason

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