Sub Zero | Teen Ink

Sub Zero

October 24, 2014
By UnliMiTeD BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
UnliMiTeD BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing in life is promised except death.

Let me tell you about this one time where i almost froze to death. I was at Camp Agawam (A camp) In michigan in the heart of winter it was the middle of the night, and i had every single piece of clothing on in my -40 degree sleeping bag and somehow the cold winter air still found its way to affect me.”Hey,dude I have to go to the bathroom” I yawned,Around 2:30 Am I had to go to the bathroom, So i opened up the tent door and left it open because i knew id be back quick,so as i was climbing up the hill i felt light headed and then i was gone.I had passed out. “Calen, are You alright?, Calen!”Then i felt someone picking me up and laying me down then i felt the warm air hit me and the warm blanket then it all came back to me, i felt like when i opened my eyes i saw everything in my life pass by. I knew the value of life because i don't have to prove my parents that i can camp outside and get a stupid badge, My lifes worth than that. I’ve had a lot of near death experiences, and this one has topped them all. A couple days later i thought ‘How did they find me’ Then i remembered that when i left the tent door open it must of woken my tent mate up and he didn't see me or anything so then he must of told an adult, My tent mate truly saved my life and i can never repay him. Since then what i’ve what i've learned in the world is that NOTHING in life is promised except death.

The author's comments:

All My Near Death Experiences i've had in my life. And my stuggles back in my 10th grade year

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