Poker Face Changes Everything | Teen Ink

Poker Face Changes Everything

October 23, 2013
By Timmy898 BRONZE, Charlottesville, Virginia
Timmy898 BRONZE, Charlottesville, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You have enemies? Good. That means you&#039;ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.&quot;<br /> Winston Churchill

My stack was pretty low, and the pot was huge. I got nothing but I hoped my dad didn't have anything. “All in,” I heard myself say that and feel how stupidly I was playing. I saw him thinking hard, sweating, and shaking, then… he folded. I didn't show him my cards and took the chips to make him mad. The next three hands were easy, because all three hands I got dealt really good cards. Now I had the high stack thinking what would happen if I didn't have such a great poker face, but only in poker. The reason lies in 4th grade.

It was Easter and I was over at my grandma’s playing basketball, while everyone else watched me and him, one on one with my cousin, Colby. He was beating me by three. I went up for a shot yelling and sweat everywhere. I made it, but also he fouled me. So I was at the line shooting one. It went up and bounced off the rim. I tried to get the rebound, but my cousin fighting hard for it until it hit my thumb right on the top. I went down and the game was over. Anyway it was time to eat, so I ate and everyone enjoying their Easter feast talking about things, but my thumb still hurt and it made my dinner not as enjoyable as everyone else, but I thought it was just jammed. But I didn't know it was worst than that. After dinner my grandma let me go up into her room with ice to watch TV. I watched some of my favorite shows that where on with the peace and quiet, but that didn't take my mind off of it. So I came downstairs and listened to my other cousin, Cat, tell a story that won some prize for her drama club or something. She made all these weird movements like sipping tea, brushing her hair, and even smacking men in the face, but that didn't get my mind off it either. So my dad brought me to the hospital. My cousins betted weather it was broken or not. Of course my uncle said it was broken but my other cousin, Turner, said it wasn't.

So when I was at the hospital they took X-Rays to see if it was broken. But it was unbelievable how long it took. They took X-rays from the side, top, bottom, corners, you name it they to it. Also the way they positioned my arm hurt because it bent my thumb and put it in more pain. So my dad and I sat there for an hour at least. Only for the doctors to come back and tell us it was broken. So since it was so late and on Easter they didn't put a cast on but just like an ace bandage. Then afterwards my dad took me by Burger King and got me a burger. So then later when I got home I sat and watched more TV eating my burger and fries. So in the next three days I told my friend Landon about it and play video games and made other people make me ice cream and brownies, then finally I had to go to special doctor to put the cast on. As he put the cast he told me about the story of the first time he put on a cast. The kid wanted a blue cast, like me, so he put the cast material in the color stain or paint something like that. So he rested the kids arm on his brand new white shrubs. When he finish the cast he looked down and saw blue paint all over his new shrubs, down the pants legs, on his shoes, and somehow got on his shirt.

So with my cast on I went to show everyone. I asked a few of my friends to sign it. When they signed they took so much space that the cast didn't even look blue any more. You know the things you do when you have a cast in elementary school. Also I had people helping me do things, missing PE because of it and during recess I sat on a bench and all these girls came over to cheer me up, but there was this one girl, Laura. Who which happen to be my ex-girlfriend at that time. She saw me at recess sitting on the bench, because I really couldn't do anything with my broken thumb. So she came over to try to be nice and all but at that time I didn't want it. So she ask me what happen and I said why do you care with a blank face so she couldn't see what I was thinking. So she went off all mad. Then after she left I felt lonely again. I learned that if you want someone to talk to you, you have to show emotion unlike in poker.

So that's where I stand now winning the poker game with my dad all in. Before he had been winning again, but he thought I was bluffing, But I had an ace and 10. I knew that he was bluffing so I went all in too. Also with my great poker that I have learned to use there was no way that I couldn't win. The last card was a king completing my straight and beating my dad in poker for the first time. As they say there is a first time for everything in poker and in life.

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