My Music | Teen Ink

My Music

June 12, 2013
By Anonymous

Music is practically my entire life. listening to it, playing it, it completes me. To my parent's annoyance, music is always blaring out from my speakers. I should further explain, I do not like bubble gum pop. No, my music is more hard, gritty. I love indie and alternative music, completely un muted, the bass pumping in the background, hearing the slide of the guitar player's fingers as he shifts chords. I love the singers raw voice, completely unaltered.

I don't really understand why my friends put up with my music addiction.I mean, if I was the,m., I would probably go crazy. If you have a conversation with me, I will probably quote some song at least twice. It can really weird people out, especially if they don't know I'm quoting a song.
( Example:
Friend 1:So , I was thinking that we could hang out in my basement, and like, watch a movie. Is that okay?
Friend 2:yeah, sounds good.
Me:"To the basement people! To the basement! Many surprises await you!" ( Undercover Martyn, by the Two Door Cinema Club.)
Friend 1: Oooooookayyyyyyyy. Well then….)

As you can see, it can be a problem. But besides that, I also talk about music constantly. That wouldn't be a problem if my band of choice was, per say, One Direction, but because I like about a million different obscure indie bands, my friends get lost sometimes when I talk about people in bands.
Me:Oh my gosh! Isn't Mikel Jollett so cool? He's been through so much, and he's so good!
Friend:Oh yeah, I love Passion Pit!
Me: ( goes a little bit crazy) What are you talking about?!?!?Mikel Jollett is from the Airborne Toxic Event. You're thinking of Michael Angelakos. What's wrong with you?!? They're completely different genres!
Friend: (goes and cries in corner.) I'm sorry! Some of us have lives!)

So, as you can see, I am completely hooked on music. My entire life revolves around it ( yeah, I forgot to mention, I play bass, for at least an hour and a half every day, and I also play guitar.)So just, a full disclaimer, I am a little bit crazy about it. I always have it on. I talk about it constantly, and very weirdly quote songs randomly.I will also , quite possibly, make you so many mix tapes that you start to regift them.You might hate me, because all that I do in my free time is music, but I'm sorry! I can't help it.

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