Difficult Decision | Teen Ink

Difficult Decision

May 17, 2013
By Janaia Cason BRONZE, Columbia , Mo, Missouri
Janaia Cason BRONZE, Columbia , Mo, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life is full of complicated decisions. Every day you have to make a tough or maybe easy decision whether it’s what you’re going to wear for the, going your homework or what you’re going to eat for dinner. There was this one particular day when I had to make a firm decision, which I knew the outcome of the whole situation. In Spanish class I had to make a very difficult decision; either fighting someone for getting smart or ignoring the situation and not getting into trouble.

Spanish class was just beginning, everyone was doing their normal routine getting books and doing their campandas (bell work). That day our class had a substitute, while our class was working on the bell work, the sub was having trouble getting on the computer. The substitute finally figures out how to get on the computer. Next thing our class has to work on this a worksheet, the sub tells us we can work in partners of two. As everyone was shifting around looking for a partner to work with, I find me someone to work with. The sub was telling the class “Clase please take out hoja cincuenta”, I’m looking for my paper and a girl is walking by me and she bumps me. “Excuse you little girl, you could of said you was trying to get through” I told the girl. She says “oh sorry I didn’t mean to bump you I was just trying to get through and go to my sit”. As the class was just finishing their worksheet, this girl decides to yell “I don’t understand this, help me!” I already had a headache, and she was getting on my nerves even more. Next thing I know she decides to get smart with me and I was already annoyed with her, so I had a quick reaction to her comment. I got up and smacked her in the back of her head. The sub wasn’t paying any attention to the class the whole time, the girl I smacked ran out the class crying. The teacher finally decides to pay attention.

“What happen, why did that young lady run out the room crying?” the sub asked me. I replied to all her questions with “I don’t know” and she finally got annoyed and sent me to the office. When I got to the office, I had to talk to the principal about what happened in the classroom. I told the principal everything that had happened. He finally came to conclusions of; three days of in school suspension. The whole outcome of this decision was thinking more carefully about such a stiff decision and facing the consequences of a poor decision that I made.

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