Forever love | Teen Ink

Forever love

July 4, 2014
By alme3 DIAMOND, Double Oak, Texas
alme3 DIAMOND, Double Oak, Texas
98 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is friendship set on fire." -Jeremy Taylor

The bow rustled in her hair as she stood in her driveway, her hands caressing the letter she had just read, a slight smile on her young face.

"All my love… Forever."

Those were the words that ended hundreds of letters that passed between Tracy and Jerry Gilles. She was 17 then. Twenty-five years later, Jerry, now her husband, never thought he would end Tracy’s eulogy with those same words.

Tracy passed away Jan. 31, 2013 after being diagnosed with Grade 4 Glioblastoma a month earlier. Nothing could be done to save her. She leaves behind her husband and two young daughters, as well as a scholarship for children like her own.

The author's comments:
A lead I wrote as a writing exercise.


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