My Dad | Teen Ink

My Dad

April 10, 2014
By rhys richards BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
rhys richards BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I love my family and work hard to provide for them” My dad is less of a dad to me and more of a friend that is there always and I can’t tell him to leave.But in every sense he is my dad and even though sometimes I wish he weren't, I’m stuck with him and he’s stuck with me and I’d have it no other way. My dad grew up in Wales during a time of poverty and he had it rough. His family did not have a lot of money so he could never go on field trips or stuff like that with his friends. So I think just the time period he grew up in has -played a huge part in shaping him. In return those hard times he went through has made me who I am today. Without him I would most likely be nothing like I am today.

“He inspired me to be the best that I could be” my dad has had the same effect on me. He has been the person for us when we are down and the person to forces us to do better than we think we could be doing. “His selflessness... he gives and does for us (family) all day long. It seems to be his mission to keep us happy.. he does so much” this is my moms response when I asked her the question What do you love about him the most. From that alone you could get a general idea on how much of an impact he has had on our lives. Just to give you a taste on the personality he has that has made us who we are to day “I think a family should be raised like a pack of wild, angry chipmunks”.

The author's comments:
this is about an interview i had with my dad and people who were affected by him


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