A Witnessed Event | Teen Ink

A Witnessed Event MAG

By Anonymous

   Once in a while, in one moment, something spectacular happens. It is that astonishing occurrence that happens to anyone and everyone and is hardly ever premeditated. It can happen during the day, night, weekend, weekday, or even in that space between seconds. It is the astonishing yet frightening, blissful yet horrifying, moment of nothing. To many, nothing is a way of life, while to others it is just an obstacle, a time to live through in order to go on. Many times I have experienced nothing. During an exceptionally tiresome/boring class, in that moment before I fall asleep, and the most recent one, right before I sat down to write this paper. And as I have said to many of my family members before, "Nothing inspires me."

My most recent nothing, the one that came before this paper, began quite suddenly. I had just finished preparing myself to write this paper, when, pen in hand, nothing attacked. It pounced upon me like a hungry lioness pounces upon food. Half starved, it gnawed at me until all my ideas, all of my earlier inspirations, had been stolen, chewed until unrecognizable, and spit out. I don't know how long I sat there on the couch, numb from what had happened, trying to repair my ideas. Needless to say, the remains were unsalvageable, so I resorted to desperate measures. I wrote nothing; however topically untypical it may be. n

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i love this so much!