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September 15, 2017
By VannWIll BRONZE, Mukwongao, Wisconsin
VannWIll BRONZE, Mukwongao, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Learn from the past, live in the present, and plan for the future.

The Mukwonago School District (M.A.S.D) makes a crazy announcement that they are banning fictions books to be read in Language Arts classes. This happened during second block on 9/11/17. Some witnesses were in disbelief at this accusation. “Why are they doing this”? Protested some students. In the letter it said,” All sixth through eighth graders can only read non-fiction book”. Said the note from the  School board to the language arts teachers. Block two was like chattering mice after this announcement. But suddenly, a kid who acted like Sherlock Holmes, called the note fake. All the students were in shock that that student had the guts to stand up and make this prediction. The student walked up to the smart board and pointed to a line on the paper that read,”(L.I.E)”, in the note. At last the Mrs.S told the whole class that this was just a big joke, and that she made it. This is why you should not always believe in what someone says. Always stand up for what you believe in.

The author's comments:

It is a good piece.

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