A Chance For Life | Teen Ink

A Chance For Life MAG

By Anonymous

   At birth I was put up for adoption by my mother iand placed under the care of adepartment of children's services. For a year and a half I lived in a fosterhome, and then I lived with the family with whom I live now. A short time later Iwas permanently adopted. My foster mother named me Tina and since that was theonly name I knew, my adoptive parents decided to give me the name Christina butcontinued to call me Tina.

From the time I was little, my parents werevery open about the fact that I was adopted, and it was never really somethingfor me to be ashamed of or keep hidden from my friends. I also never heldanything against my biological parents. They gave me life and my adopted parentsgave me love.

Although my adoptive mother believed she couldn't havechildren, in 1980 to our surprise, my little sister was born. The fact that sheis my parents' birth child and not my "real" sister does not make ourrelationship any different. We argue and tease each other about the thingssisters do, but sometimes I feel she is favored over me, and my parents let herget away with more; however, most big sisters feel this way at one time oranother.

Although I've never met my biological parents, I sometimes wonderwhat they are like or what my life would have been like growing up with them.There are times I wish I was with them. Then I stop and realize how happy andlucky I am to have my family.

The only time being adopted bothers me iswhen people talk about their nationalities or how they resemble their families.This makes me feel awkward because I can't join in. Also, when people call me"reject" or when my sister says she's glad she's not really my sister,I wish I weren't adopted.

Someday I think I would like to search for mybiological parents, but right now I don't think I could handle the disappointmentif they did not want to know me. I am curious as to why I was put up for adoptionand what my biological parents are like.

All in all the fact that I amadopted is okay with me. I consider myself very lucky to have been given thechance to live and do all the things I have and I'm very happy with the life myadopted family has given me.

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i love this so much!