My Big Sister | Teen Ink

My Big Sister MAG

By Anonymous

   A few weeks ago my older sister got married. As she was saying her vows, the memories of how she used to stick up for me, or how we would laugh together, and even the times when we would fight or when she would yell at me for hanging around her, all raced through my mind. When I looked up to smile at her, tears fell into my lap. She was so beautiful standing there in her white dress. When she turned to look at me, she started to cry. There was a part of me that didn't want her to get married, yet I knew that she was very happy. After the ceremony I went and gave her a hug. We both stayed there for a few minutes and cried. At that moment, I think it brought us closer together, not just as sisters, but as friends. I knew that even though she would be spending her life with someone else, she would still always be there for me! n

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i love this so much!