The Visit | Teen Ink

The Visit MAG

By Anonymous

   Everyone in school had heard the news on Tuesday, the 18th of October: President Clinton and Senator Ted Kennedy were coming to Framingham High School on Thursday, the 20th of October. Everyone was really excited and students and faculty members looked forward to this White House occasion. This was the first time such an event took place at Framingham High. It was an honor for anyone to sit in that gymnasium to see and hear the President of the United States.

On Wednesday, the news said that he would be in Framingham at 10: 30 a.m. on Thursday. The school announcements took place and faculty and students were told not to park in the gymnasium area, but instead to park in the senior and junior parking lots. The announcement also said that everyone would have to pass through metal detectors and no one was to wear big belt buckles.

There was still one question on everybody's lips and that was why President Clinton chose Framingham High and not anywhere else. Apparently he chose our school because of its good academic reputation and diverse student body.

Thursday approached and everyone dressed well. We were called to the gymnasium at 9: 00 a.m. so everyone could go through the metal detectors.

From 9: 30 there was an eager expression on everyone's face to have a first look at President Clinton. The temperature in the room built up, but the great band kept us busy with awesome music.

For more than an hour, the students of Framingham High waited in the John F. Kennedy gym, in the excruciating heat, for a first glimpse at the President. First came U.S. Representative Joseph P. Kennedy who visited the crowd with the most friendly attitude and shook students' hands, who were eager to take pictures of him.

At exactly 10: 43, the band struck up and there entered the President of the United States, Bill Clinton, followed by U.S. Deputy Education Secretary Madeleine Kunin, U.S. Representative Edward Markey, U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Student Council President Jeremy Spector, and other congressmen who had worked to pass the education bill.

All the students were excited and did no want to stop clapping; they stood and gave President Clinton a warm welcome. The President waved and bowed to the students, and catching the attention of the band, gave them a firm thumbs-up. The President then took his seat at the center of the platform with Senator Edward Kennedy on his left and Student Council President Jeremy Spector on his right.

One by one all the senators and deputies talked about the education bill and how it will improve our lives as students. Then came the honor for the President of the Student Council to introduce the President; he did this very confidently and with determination. President Clinton said that he was very impressed by Jeremy's speech and also by the crowd. He also said that if he had known there was going to be such an enthusiastic response, he would have come a day earlier. The President told the students that the Education Bill is going to be an advantage for them and it is the students' duty to see and achieve the goals. He also said that determination will surely lead to the goal and that the magic of education occurs between the teacher and the student in the classroom.

President Clinton also strongly opposes drug use, and said, "It's not going to be a good thing to do, not a cool thing to do. It is a stupid thing to do as well as an illegal thing to do and I want you to help." At the conclusion of his speech at 11: 43 a.m., he sat behind the beautifully prepared table and signed the Education Bill.

As he finished and rose, Jeremy Spector made sure he did not leave without a souvenir; he gave the President a Framingham High School sweatshirt and cap, which he can wear when he jogs. President Clinton put on the cap for a moment to indicate that he would not forget this special day.

President Clinton, followed by Senator Kennedy and the congressmen, departed and the crowd stood up to give him a good farewell. The students then made their way out of the gym.

All will remember the seat they sat in when they heard and saw the President of the United States, Bill Clinton. c

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i love this so much!