Mommy | Teen Ink


May 17, 2016
By baileybeal11 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
baileybeal11 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Thank you for being my person.  Thank you for keeping my secrets, and listening to my rants.  Thank you for being patient with me even in my most stubborn times.  Or not hugging me when i’m sad because you know it will make it worse.  Thank you for being my buddy.  Being there to talk to about stupid boys.  Especially for giving me the life long advice, that the only boys I need are my dad and my horse.  I’m starting to find it more and more true every day.  Or the time when you told me that girls never stop being dramatic and to let it go.  But I do recall another time when some girl made you just as mad as me, and you said you wouldn't be mad if I got detention, for reasons that are probably better left unsaid.  Who needs to know about that anyways, right? 
My favorite things are the car rides.  I have found that we have our most unusually hysterical conversations on our way to and from places.  Could you agree?  We tend to find the most pointless things to laugh about.  But we are usually giggling at how unbelievable your day was at your new fabulous job.  Even if I haven't said it, I’m outrageously happy for you and this spectacular job, as you would say.  You (clearly) like it a lot.  So if it means you going to bed at eight o’clock every night, then you do that! 
Sometimes I wonder what I would do without a friend/mom like you!  A mom who buys me candy and slim-jims when I had a bad day.  Or helps me write my english essays after a horse show weekend.  And listens to my high school drama like it’s her own, and tells me what to do.  Speaking of drama, ya know I really tell you more than most teenagers tell their moms.  It’s a bit unusual.  Most kids don’t tell their moms about the illegal things that happened at the party that weekend, or about what the boy did to break my heart.  Most kids keep that stuff to themselves.  By the way, thanks for not grounding me when I told you about that party.  Or should I say the illegal things, not necessarily the party?  That’s beside the point.  The point is you should really be thankful for having a daughter like me who tells you everything.  But more importantly, I should be thankful for having a best friend/mom that I can tell everything to. 
Sometimes I wonder if you know how much I actually love when you scratch my back in your bed.  I know I’m a little old for that, but whatever.  Or I wonder if you know how much easier horse shows are for me when you're there.  Not because I need help, but because as much fun as they are, they are always ten times better when it’s just us and Maggie in the hotel.
Do you know that on the first day of school, when we fill out the “everything about us” sheets, I always answer the “who inspires you” question with my mom.  So thank you for being a mom who allows me to write that on the first day of school.
Even if I don’t say it enough, all of this is really true.  And I could go on for a few more pages about all of things about you that I’m thankful for.  But that would be a pretty long card.  So for that, I owe you a thank you.  Thank you for being my person.  I love you.

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