The Weird Way to Make a Friend | Teen Ink

The Weird Way to Make a Friend

November 14, 2014
By TGosley BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
TGosley BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
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I never thought that a video game could change my life as big as it has. I have been playing video games basically my entire life, sitting in my dads lap pretending, to be at the wheel of a race car, flying around as a dragon in a fairy tale. In 2010, my brother and I decided that we wanted to get a Playstation 3 for Christmas, best decision I have ever made. It made me who I am today, but ill get to that later.  The first game we got was WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2010. My favorite wrestler was Randy Orton, using his signature move “The RKO” on my brother to win almost every match. I was addicted to video games fast. My Dad, still loving to play video games, wanted to get the number one first-person-shooter game on the market. Call of Duty.

I came home one day from school wanting to play WWE. It was something I did everyday after a long day of school. “Beep” the sound of my PS3 turning on, grabbed my controller, the Ps3 automatically goes to the game that is inserted. A black screen pops up, not normally what I see on WWE. A voice starts talking...

“50,000 people used to live here... Now its a ghost town.” 
“Thats not my game...”  I thought to myself. The laser green title pops up, “Call Of Duty Modern Warfare.”  I knew that it was a shooting game and at the age of 11 I knew my parents would not want me to play a game like Call Of Duty.  I looked up in my Mom and Dads room just to make sure they were not home. I proceeded to play the game. I was instantly into the game and thought it was so much fun. Everyday instead of playing my wrestling game, I would play Call Of Duty. My parents would come home and I would pretend to be watching TV, all they had to do was push a button on the remote to switch the channel, and I would be grounded. As the years go by, I play the game more and more. Buying every Call of Duty that came out that year. I bought Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.

At the beginning of the 6th grade, my friend Clay and I played Call of Duty Modern Warfare all day after school. It was me and him most of the time, but there was sometimes a kid from our school named Tyler, someone I had’nt met before. As we go on to the next year, 7th grade now, I have a gym class where I didn't know many people. Our teacher took role, I hear a name that I recognized.

“Here” Tyler said.
After class, I go up to Tyler, “Hey are you Tyler?”
“Yeah I am” He says back.

“Do you play video games with Clay?” I ask hoping he says yes so that he doesn't think I'm weird.

“Yeah I do actually. Wait are you Bob? The kid I always play with but have never met?” “That would be me.” I said, knowing I had just made a friend. The joy that was going through my head was something I will always remember.

At the end of the week I was at his house spending the night. It was cool to get to know him outside of just a video game. We kept growing as friends, and hung out almost every weekend. I have gone up north with him 3 times, and also to Florida with him. I remember the first time I went up north with him, we had so much fun on his boat, jet skis and tubing. It changed the way I thought of him. He went from friend, to best friend.  It’s one of the most interesting best friend stories you will hear.  Me and Tyler have a great  friendship now, and I can't go a day without laughing at the kid. Me and him both do not play much video games anymore, but it has really given me a great friend. He is someone who has changed me into a person that is funny and outgoing, and so has a video game.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this peice because it is one of the best storys I have to tell people.

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