Ray Rice Did What? | Teen Ink

Ray Rice Did What?

September 30, 2014
By DreamyBoy03 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
DreamyBoy03 BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
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Ding! The elevator arrived. Then you see Ray Rice, Baltimore Ravens running back, drag his unconscious fiance, Janay Palmer, out of the elevator.
On February 15, 2014, Ray Rice committed domestic violence. He was in the elevator arguing with his fiance, when all of a sudden bursts out to punch her in the face. And if that isn’t bad enough, when she got up, he punched her again! That final blow is what knocked her out.
No one really knows what happened before that, but it was extremely clear that Rice had punched his fiance in the face...twice! People thought the two game suspension was not appropriate at all, but after the commissioner saw the video, he changed the punishment. “The punishment for Ray Rice has been changed from a 2 game suspension to a lifetime ban,” the commissioner states. Ray Rice is now released from the Ravens and banned from the NFL.
Since he is not able to attend any NFL events or have anything to do with it, he cannot have connections with players other than phone numbers and other things outside the NFL. He cannot be going to their practice to support them and he cannot go to the games. He would have to watch them on TV. I guarantee that Ray Rice will not blow up like that and smash his fiance’s face in any more. If he does, he will definitely be arrested.

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