My Dream (Inspired by Dr. King) | Teen Ink

My Dream (Inspired by Dr. King)

January 24, 2014
By Juabi GOLD, Houston, Texas
Juabi GOLD, Houston, Texas
11 articles 1 photo 0 comments

I have a dream. A dream shared by you, my friends; I dream that people will no longer suffer and die from sickness that ravage the universe like nomadic barbarians burning the countryside and sacking the city with low walls. I have a dream that a mother will not fear when she gives birth to a baby that it might die a few years into the future. I have a dream that children will drink from water in the slums of the world’s most desolate city without their mothers praying to her god to spare her child from vicious monsters in the liquid. I have a dream that children will not be left without mothers because of a cell that chose to replicate. I have a dream that mothers will not be forced to give up the food they find to their offspring who wail with the tormenting pangs of hunger and thirst. I have a dream that malicious individuals will leave families alone. I have a dream that the Little Shakespeare, the Little Picasso, the Little Bach, and any other little boy, genius or not, will not be forced to spend his day cowering under the fortress that he built with pillows, listening to the dragon destroy the city outside. I have a dream that the little orphan will not spend all her weekends sitting by the door, waiting for her deceased hero to come save her from her lonely, bleak tower. I have a dream that a child will not be led, like a poor cow to the slaughter house, to corruption and evil. I have a dream that people will love and not detest. I have many dreams, but my foremost dream is that these dreams will no longer be dreams.

The author's comments:
In honor of Martin Luther King Day, my class had an assignment: to write what we held as our dream for the future. This is my ideal future, and I believe it is yours, too.

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