'The Sisters' | Teen Ink

'The Sisters'

December 12, 2013
By Anonymous

Maggie. I have rarely heard my name said amongst my family. Instead, when I was born, I became a part of an inseparable pair known as ‘The Sisters’.
From the hideous matching jumpsuits to the Christmas presents addressed to both of us…I adored it all. A cool older sibling to hang out with for hours on end couldn’t be better. But somewhere along the lines, something changed.
I started craving my own identity. Even though we are only eight-teen months apart, I grew out of the love of being lumped together with Emily and never doing anything on my own. Although we had grown out of sharing a room and our clothing, nine years ago, we still went everywhere together. Still known as ‘The Sisters’.
But then Emily graduated and flew off across the country to college. The day I had been waiting for, finally some independence. Only it was not quite living up to my expectations. Gone was my role model, my gossip pal, my fellow partner in crime. Suddenly I had to be my own person but I was not sure who that person was.
So I took some time. Took some time to reflect on what we have been through and everything she has taught me. Without her I would not have been prepared for the all night cramming sessions for an AP exam. Without her I would not have been prepared for the drive and determination it takes to be a varsity athlete, or the commitment to my teammates to support them in being their best.
Emily taught me that being a kind person was not just being nice to your friends. You have to show kindness and respect to all people of diverse backgrounds, beliefs and abilities. I learned the value of family through her. Going on countless thirty-plus hour road trips, laughing the whole way in the back seat.
Thinking about it, I came to appreciate all the times we shared together. My happiest childhood memories involve her. The times we spent scheming on how to get our parents to take us for ice-cream rank at the top. Without her my childhood would have been dull and lonely. Without her I would be a different person. Without her I would not feel confident in my own abilities to take this next step in my education, career and dreams.
Through being a part of ‘The Sisters’ I have discovered myself. I have learned Maggie stands for determination. It stands for intelligence and kindness. Most importantly it stands for the other half of ‘The Sisters’, and I would not want my family to call me by anything else.

The author's comments:
my sister and I have always been very close so it meant a lot to me to write a paper that expressed that.

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This article has 1 comment.

Akhsari BRONZE said...
on Dec. 16 2013 at 9:52 pm
Akhsari BRONZE, Ventnor City, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be.<br /> - May Sarton

That was beautiful! My older sister and I are very close too, even though we are nine years apart.