The Things I Carry | Teen Ink

The Things I Carry

October 17, 2013
By kerriganann BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
kerriganann BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have the same dream every night. I walk into the tent, pushing past the heavy drapes into the middle of the space and spot the crystal ball, the centerpiece of the room. I stand next to it and try to calm myself down, trying not to choke on the heavy incense the psychic lit before she left me alone to discover my fate. I stand before it to ask about my future- it clouds with grey smoke that swirls and sparkles but does not manifest into anything more than my smokey reflection. I start to panic and the tent gets smaller and shrinks and the incense gets stronger and I suddenly can't breath. Darkness pulls at the edges of my vision as my lungs seize up and I wake up right before I hit the ground.The dream use to bother me but more so now that its time to start making decisions. Time to choose classes and colleges, time to grow up and figure out what I want from the world and what I can give back to it. But I am far from ready. I am unsure of who I am and what I want to be. I am waiting on the day when I realize how I want to live for the rest of my life. I have ideas, like being a millionaire and famous but I also feel the pressure of reality telling me its impossible and to start making more attainable plans. I feel like I am on top of a great big mountain and waiting for the rush of the fall and the sudden crash of knowing what I want out of my one and only life, and pursuing that dream. And so I write to my present self about the unknown. I think that your fears of the future are founded though it can be overcome if you stay true to yourself and the values you keep now, even as you move on and grow older than me. I also want you to remember the dreams we had when we were small. Remember how we wanted to reach for the stars and become something great. So I urge you to never settle for something safe and comfortable, but to strive for adventure and excitement. Backpack around the world, see exotic cities, swim in every ocean,and meet new and interesting people. Or major in something you love in college and not what makes the most money. Live in a big city that's always moving or a small town somewhere deep in the country. And when you figure out what you want, go for it. No dream is too big, life is short so live it your way but stay true to you and make sure you're happy and its what you want.

The author's comments:
Over the summer I read, The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien and, inspired by what I read, wrote a piece on the things I carry in my everyday life.

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