Bad Habits | Teen Ink

Bad Habits

May 15, 2013
By Anonymous

Bad Habits

Individuals all around the world suffer from bad
Habits every day! Nail biting, grinding teeth, discussing
table manners smoking, poor eating, foul language and beyond.

The question is what causes these habits and how can
we prevent them?

Habits are constant routines of behavior that are

repeated often and tend to occur subconsciously.
Depending on a person’s self-conscious, a habit
is formed by their way of life. For example, let’s
say a young man smoked one cigarette a day
in his early twenties. Now he is in his late twenties
smoking five cigarettes a day. That young man
has developed a constant routine of smoking more
than one cigarette to his life. In other words, a
BAD HABIT! Breaking a habit that has become
an everyday lifestyle is not easy to do. It takes
will power to break an ongoing habit. On the
other hand, habits can be prevented. All it
takes is hard work, support from loved ones,
and determination. With that you can do all
things possible.

As you may or may not know, teenagers
are classic for bad habits. As a matter
of fact, teenagers between the ages
of fourteen and nineteen suffer from
several habits every day. The top three
worse habits for teens are; foul language,
poor manners, and nail biting. The
typical response from a teenager
when a certain someone points out their
habit is, “I know I’m trying to break it.”
Usually, that is something a teen will
Say to get someone off their back and
will not care to bother breaking their
habit. Teenagers out there, please,
o please break your habit today!

The author's comments:
Habits are bad and we need to either prevent them from happening or break them immanently!

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