Abusing Our Future | Teen Ink

Abusing Our Future

February 20, 2012
By Carlos Monsante BRONZE, Coppell, Texas
Carlos Monsante BRONZE, Coppell, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Not a single child should have to grow up being abused and neglected. They shouldn't have to live in a place that is not safe for them. On average a child that is abused is more likely to grow up to commit some sort of violent crime as an adult. To have to look back on a childhood that is full of pain and sorrow. It’s not about what these children will do after they’ve been abused it is what can we do to stop these horrible acts before they happen.

Some parents believe it’s alright to abuse their child but there is no reason for anyone to have to grow up in that kind of environment. To hurt or harm a child not only ruins any memories of their childhood but it is proven that adults that suffered from some type of child abuse are more likely to participate in some sort of criminal activities. Based on information from ChildHelp.org children that are abused are 28% more likely to get arrested as an adult and 30% more likely to commit some sort of violent crime. Basically what these statistics are saying is that child abuse not only effects the development of a child but also the decisions that this child will make as an adult. To put it another way, these children are so affected by these tragic events of their lives that they feel they have to hurt others.

As well it is more likely for a child who was abused to abuse his or her children when they are growing up. With this never ending cycle the numbers simply rise and rise. It is now known that a report of child abuse is made every ten seconds according to Childhelp.org. In other words the amount of children that are being neglected and abused is going up and every ten seconds someone is trying to help. By saying this it allows you to see exactly how bad this problem really gets. In my opinion child abuse is never necessary no matter what and there is never any reason for a child to grow up being abused or neglected.
According to average statistics ChildHelp.org say that 14% of all the men in prison were abused as children, 36% of all women in prison were abused as children. In other words this is saying that child abuse does not stop at the child it will follow him or her for the rest of their lives.

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