How To Ride a Bike | Teen Ink

How To Ride a Bike

February 8, 2011
By TannerP3128 BRONZE, Mitchell, South Dakota
TannerP3128 BRONZE, Mitchell, South Dakota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do YOU want to learn how to ride a bike? First, you need to find a bicycle that's the perfect size. An aluminum bicycle is a great bicycle to get. Companies make mountain bicycles and trick bicycles. Once you have got the perfect bike, you need to customize it and raise the seat to an appropriate height. A good way to tell the right height for your seat is to raise it until you get to the point that when you go to sit, your feet reach the ground.
Next, swing your leg over the bicycle and sit on the seat and put one of your feet on one pedal. Finally, you must push off, pedal the bicycle with both feet, and keep your balance so you don't fall.
Once you have practiced enough, you can begin to stand up and pedal to go faster. When you practice every day, you can start to ride wheelies, or maybe even hit some jumps. To ride a wheelie, you must be standing up going very slowly so that your feet are not touching the ground. Then you must keep the pedal to an angle so that one pedal is pointing up and one pointing down. Next you lift up on the handle bars and pedal as hard as you can. You have to practice often, but as you keep trying, it will get easier. You also need to make sure to be safe when trying a complicated move. Wear a helmet and knee and elbow pads. Overall, if you are going to ride a bike, be sure to follow these great steps and wear safety gear.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I like to ride bikes and want people to start riding them.

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