Alone | Teen Ink


December 1, 2022
By Anonymous

Many think that even if you aren’t physically alone you're not lonely but that's not how she felt. Macy seemed to be one of the most popular girls at school, but no one ever saw what was really happening. Even if she got everything she wasn't doing what she actually wanted, she wanted to be in band and do all the things her friends were doing instead of having to uphold everyones standards of her. She was so tired of having to be perfect she didn't get to be herself even after she tried she had to quit everything she wanted to do because her mom wanted her to be the perfect child with perfect grades and was popular. Everyone thooght that she was perfect and had no reason to be insecure but she wanted to be like her ex-friend Mackenzie so badly Mackenzie got to expierence everything Macy didn't but they envied eachother that it ruined a great rfriendship that could of lasted a lifetime but in the back of Macy's head she knew that it was just an example of righ person wrong time. 

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