How to prevent plastic pollution to spread | Teen Ink

How to prevent plastic pollution to spread

November 27, 2022
By Anonymous

According to the US Geological Survey, about 78% of the earth's surface is covered with water. The oceans hold about 96% of all of the earth’s water. This represents earth’s most important resource, and the ocean is earth’s most endangered resource. Nowadays our ocean is increasingly polluted. Plastic is the greatest source of pollution in the ocean. According to the UN, more than seventeen million metric tons of plastic entered the ocean in 2021. This is projected to double by 2040.

I saw a video in my school about the plastic pollution of the ocean. The video followed what happened to three plastic bottles. One of them went into the ocean and ended up in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The bottle will break into pieces, and it will be eaten by fish. The fish that eat the plastic will be eaten by us. The plastic also causes water to be poisoned. It can easily kill many sea animals. The ocean is one of the greatest sources of food for humans as well as other animals. Plastic pollution can cause health problems for humans and animals.

Science will help us by building robots or machines to clean the patches of plastics. An inventor called Boyan Slat makes a machine to clean plastic in the ocean. It works very well. So far, the device has removed twenty thousand pounds of plastic out of the Pacific Ocean, proving that it is possible to clean up the ocean. However, the machine can’t catch the plastic underwater. If the scientists can make a more efficient and better machine it may also catch the plastic underwater. The plastic patches will be clean. Boyan Slat needs more money to build more machines to clean up the plastic in the ocean. So, more countries should contribute funding.

The author's comments:

I want everyone to protect Earth. I also want them to know how and why we need to protect Earth.

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