How to Succeed | Teen Ink

How to Succeed

November 10, 2022
By Anonymous

Keeping up with life is not enough. We have to spend every minute, hour after hour, loving ourselves. Life is terribly dark without love for yourself. If everybody loved themselves then we would not need to rely on others for love.

A human only surviving will spend all of their life worrying about the future. A human prospering will spend every minute loving themselves and not worrying about the future.

People who are sad chase and regret their past when there is nothing they can change in their past. Life is complicated, you need to keep learning in order to survive. People who love life, think lovingly of their past knowing that their past is what taught them to be who they are.

The lesson is, love yourself and life will try to keep up with you. 

The author's comments:

You need to love yourself.

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