The Dead of Night | Teen Ink

The Dead of Night

November 6, 2022
By EVB BRONZE, Cupertino, California
EVB BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     I’m awake and alone, it’s dark out but my eyes have adjusted and are able to take in the small slivers of moonlight leaking in from around the curtains. All I see is the dark outline of my room. I know that no one else is awake but me, everything is quiet, or almost. I hear the sound of crickets chirping and night animals rustling in fallen leaves from outside my bedroom window. It’s nice listening to them. I know I should have been asleep hours ago but no matter how hard I try, I can’t. It doesn't matter though, I’m used to it. And it's nice being here, awake and alone, in the dead of night.

The author's comments:

     In this set piece I wanted to describe the feeling of being awake and alone during the night. Something which I, as someone who is never able to sleep when I’m supposed to, experience a lot of. Being awake and alone in the dead of night is something that is mostly used to create a sense of dread or fear in things like horror movies. But I’m usually still trying to fall asleep at the time that these movies deem as the time where something bad is about to happen, and it isn't bad at all, so I decided to write about what the night is like for me. In this set piece, I wanted to describe the setting and provide some imagery, as well as give my opinion of what a common trope is actually like.

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