My Chain | Teen Ink

My Chain

October 21, 2022
By lillian-smith BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
lillian-smith BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I wake up, I pull the covers off of me. I look around my room at the pictures and shelves on one side of the room that my little sister Lana sleeps on. I look to the other side where my other sister Lorelei sleeps on and I look at her pictures she has up and her shelf which is filled with sprays and hair stuff. I get up and walk over to my four drawer, brown dresser that we use as our tv stand, past Lorelei and Lana's organizer with a smaller organizer on top of it. I pick up my silver chain, I unclip the chain and wrap it around my neck and clip it back together then continue to get dressed.

The thing I carry is my jewelry. I always have my cold, shiny silver chain. I like to wear it to add some bling to my outfits. Every night I take off my chain and lightly set it down on my dresser before climbing into bed and falling asleep. Every morning when I get up I get dressed and stroll back over to my dresser and pick up my chain. I open the clasp, wrap the chain around my neck, and clasp it back together and let it fall down and hit against my chest. I wear it throughout the day regularly. At football I make sure to take it off so it doesn't get broken when getting hit or anything that might cause that and afterwards I grab it and clasp it back around my neck.

The person who birthed me, the person I call Mom. My mom is about 5'2" with long dirty blonde hair. Her hair has been dyed so many times you can't tell it is actually blonde, after so many times it has become really dark. She wears tank tops and leggings a lot that both fit to the shape of her body. She has a mole on her cheek, she got the other removed. She bears no teeth and needs glasses, although she doesn't always wear them. She grabs the box with her small smooth hands and hands it to me to unwrap. She is wearing red striped pajama pants and a black tank top. She watches me unwrap and open the box with her blue eyes. In a happy voice she asks me "Do you like it?" and smiles with her red lips.

My chain brings me comfort and wearing jewelry makes me feel more confident. I’m so used to wearing it that I feel naked without it. I always fiddle with my chain, I like the sound it makes when the metal rings hit against each other and how cold it feels upon my skin.

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