My name | Teen Ink

My name

October 13, 2022
By notsure BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
notsure BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The name Zaden has many different meanings but the most common one is to increase; grow in stature. No places show up when looking up Zaden and the most common color seems to be blue.

The way I got my name was my parents just found the name interesting and decided that's what my name was going to be. There are not really any stories about my name and I never really heard what people say about it.

I would keep my name because I find it unique and I like it a lot compared to other names because the reason I find it more unique is because even though when you look it up it says it is a common name you never really hear anything about someone named Zaden compared to names like Logan or Alex.

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