Name Piece | Teen Ink

Name Piece

October 12, 2022
By NF05 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
NF05 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nick is a strong powerful name meaning victory for the people. It's a simple and fast 4 letters, yet it is stiff. rolls off the tongue sharp. 

Nick is a rough, used name. It has been around the world but is simple yet special enough to survive everywhere. It’s survived the test of time and has stayed the same through it all only changing a letter here and there from nic to nick sometimes even nich.


This name was given to me on December 14 2005, the day I was born. It was not chosen before nor planned. Instead when my parents saw me they “knew I was a nick”. I do not know if that is a good or bad thing. but I have been working my whole life to find out.

It gives thoughts of dark winter nights, wrapped up in a blanket sitting around the fireplace with the ones you love. Sure, there is the dark night but there is also the beautiful fire and calming atmosphere. 

Nick is the name of a man who gives his life every winter to provide gifts to those who deserve it. He brings the joy of knowing that there will always be someone there to reward you for doing good. St. Nick is viewed as an amazing selfless person and this is something that I will always be striving for

It may not be the best or most popular name in the world, but I am not that popular myself. I am happy with my name because it can be a million different things. Maybe someday soon I’ll be lucky enough to find out what my name means to me. It may set high standards, but what's life without goals?

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