My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

October 10, 2022
By vbella BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
vbella BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is easy as pie. Rides off the tongue, as though it wasn’t there.  The name that reminds everyone of the same two things.  It means more than just those two things . 

Belle reminds everyone of the princess,  and the bell that rings. Nothing more comes to mind. The meaning of Belle is beauty, alongside 5 different languages. With the spelling on the name people tend to forget the last E, making it mean the bell that rings. Belle means more than just the princess, it connects to my middle name.  Connects to the family. 

Isabella. Given to go along with  my Nonna’s name Donna. Being my middle name. Meaning Beautiful Women.  The Italian name given. The name passed down the family, being able to represent my Nonna's name. The dignity to be able to carry her name.

 Belle  sounds like you're walking during autumn and stepping on the crunchy leaves. Belle, feels like a cozy name. Like laying next to the fire in winter. It tastes like a caramel apple, with a warm cup of hot chocolate.  Belle, like the color yellow. The toned yellow, just like the changing of leaves. 

My parents thought I would look italian. The hopes of an Italian looking daughter to go with the Italian family. The whole family looking Italian, but I gained all my mom's genes.  The blond hair has blue eyes, not the brown eyes and brain hair. 

 My given name not being Belle shocks many.

The fact I changed my name in the first grade. To fit myself better. To feel more confident when people say my name. The feeling of expressing who I want to be. Is uplifting. Belle. When people say the name it feels calming. 

The author's comments:

This story is about my name and the meaning it holds. 

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