The Rollercoaster | Teen Ink

The Rollercoaster

October 3, 2022
By Anonymous

“Yeah, I am interested in a couple of schools”

“Oh that's great, what have you done to prepare for college?”

“Besides sports and a club or 2, I did some volunteer work”

“Like what?”

“I did some work with the trail building alliance for the ice age scenic trail”

“How neat! What did you all do?”

A couple of weeks ago a lot of new people and I went out into the trail bringing hammers, shovels, mallets, basically every tool you can think of. First, we demolished an old boardwalk called the rollercoaster that was rotting. It was falling apart and wasn’t sturdy anymore. We waded through the mud disassembling the walkway board by board until we were all exhausted. Then we got a short break to recover by walking some of the trails and picking up garbage or anything out of place. As everyone regrouped we went onto the next goal, building steps, and stone retaining walls, We brought the stones over to someone with heavy machinery and they cut the stones into what we wanted, brought the stones over, and slowly stacked them. At first, it looked like we were building an off-shape cairn, but eventually, we built a few walls. We were almost done at this point. All that was left was sprucing up the trails. We ran around adding little things to some of the trails like covering up large roots that weren’t supposed to be out and adding dirt to place so it was easier to walk.

The author's comments:

This piece sucks

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