Envy Gone Wrong | Teen Ink

Envy Gone Wrong

September 23, 2022
By bjg0302857 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
bjg0302857 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On an early Friday morning, Adrian accompanied Milo to go check out a car he was thinking about buying. When they arrived to the house where the car was, Milo rushed to the car in excitement to see it up closer. He automatically fell in love. He felt as if he was in Highschool and fell in love for the first time again. It was a red all-wheel drive hatchback EG Civic. At first, he was interested in buying the car because of the way it looked without having a single clue about what was under the hood. Adrian and Milo continued to inspect the car and when they got under the hood, Adrian was surprised at the car that Milo was looking to buy; The Civic was B-swapped and had a turbo the size of a human head tucked on the side of the bay. Milo had no intention on getting a car with that much potential, he simply wanted something that he could drive daily and have fun with every now and then. Adrian began listing reasons on why Milo should definitely buy the car based on how good the price of the car was for the modifications that were already made to it. Finally, Milo ended up buying the car and drove it straight home.

 The following day as Milo headed to work in his new car, he ran into one of the crew members from Next Gen which was Adrian’s race crew; they both redlined their cars at each other wanting to race. They ended up racing and when they both took off, Milo dragged him a whole quarter mile on Galveston Rd and beat him easily. That same day, Adrian received the news that one of his members was beat by a red hatchback and he instantly knew who it was that beat his crew member. Adrian called Milo and invited him over to his shop and when Milo arrived, Adrian didn’t hesitate to ask Milo if it was him that raced his crew member. “Ohh yeah that was me” replied Milo. Adrian continued to show him around the shop and introduced Milo to the rest of the crew.

After conversating for a while, Adrian offered Milo to join his crew and began explaining to Milo how they could both benefit from each other in the racing scene if he’d join. Milo accepted and they began his initiation. “You’ll be racing my boy Ivan, I want to see what your car has compared to his” said Adrian. Ivan drove an EK Civic with a similar set up as Milo’s. Adrian hopped in the passenger seat in Milo’s car and they headed back to Galveston Rd. Once they arrived, they quickly lined up next to each other to pull a thirty mph roll race. Ivan was confident about his car and thought, “This kid is new to the game, nobody’s taking my spot anytime soon”.

 “1…2..3…GO!” Adrian shouted from the passenger window. Both cars took off evenly and were fender to fender at launch. Once Milo’s third gear kicked in, he took off on Ivan and beat him by a 2 cars length. Ivan’s first thought after getting beat was “How?!”. He was furious because him getting beat by another member meant that there was a possibility that he could lose his place in the line-up and that’s the last thing he wanted.

 When they arrived back to the shop, Adrian congratulated Milo and revealed to the rest of the crew that Milo’s civic was now the new go-to car to run at events and race against other rival crews. Ivan’s heart pumped fast full of jealousy and anger after hearing the news. As the sun went down, they all went their separate ways and headed back to their homes. When Ivan got home, he sat in his room desperately thinking of ways to either gain his position back, or get rid of Milo. The following day, Elvis; the crew’s tuner, called Ivan and asked if the new Ecu that was shipped to him was ordered by him. He continued to explain how it was just ordered last night and it was a high performance “Hondata” Ecu. Ivan told Elvis how it was not him who ordered it and asked who and who’s car did Adrian order him to re-tune for tomorrow’s race night. “I’m only supposed to tune Adrian’s, Milo’s, and yours since you installed that new intake manifold on your car” replied Elvis.

 In that instant, a bright light bulb lit up above Ivan’s head and he had a plan; it was to chunk Elvis some extra cash for his work if he’d turn down the boost on Milo’s car. That same day in the afternoon, Ivan rushed to the shop before Milo or Adrian showed up to get their cars re-tuned. On the way to the shop, he became indecisive about wanting to do it or not and he filled himself with guilt over his actions because he knew there’d be consequences. He followed up with his plan and when he arrived to the shop, he explained his plan to Elvis. ‘Look all you have to do is install that new Ecu in my car, give Milo my old one, and turn his car’s boost down. When we go race tomorrow, I’ll do my thing, win a couple runs and I’ll pay you 40 percent of my cut; nobody has to know about this!” said Ivan. Elvis hesitated a little but he knew he needed the money so he accepted his request.

The following day, after getting all the cars ready and re-tuned, they headed to the track in Baytown where they were going to race “Radikal” their rival crew. After arriving and doing a couple runs, they finally got to the last 3 races; and Milo was up first. Milo lined up next to an LS-Swapped BMW and raced against it. Milo ended up losing that race but he didn’t think much of it and simply accepted the fact that he lost. Next up was Ivan. He lined up next to an 03 Mustang: he was confident enough to think that he was winning for sure and he would end up gaining his place back. “1…2…3…GO!” At launch, Ivan realized that the Mustang was all wheel drive by looking at the way it launched with all four wheels and he knew he wasn’t going to be able to catch up. Ivan punched the gas as if he had a steel foot and yet, nothing. He lost the race and his plan did not go as expected. Although, Adrian ended up winning one race for the crew, it still wasn’t enough and Radikal was up on Next Gen by 2. Adrian was confused on why Milo’s car didn’t react as expected and why Ivan took the race that Milo was supposed to take on. They all headed back to the shop to discuss what happened afterwards.

Adrian was the first to arrive to the shop and he realized Elvis was still there working on a couple of cars. “So how’d it go?” asked Elvis. “We lost, Ivan and Milo both lost but I was able to secure one win for the crew” replied Adrian. At that point, Elvis knew he wasn’t getting paid since Ivan lost. He felt extremely guilty because he knew he could’ve prevented the crew from losing if he’d just do his job the way he was supposed to. He felt the need to confess to Adrian about what happened so he did. “Adrian, I have a confession to make” said Elvis in a remorseful voice. “What’s up?” replied Adrian. “Ivan and I are the reason yall lost man. He came to me earlier and asked to install that Ecu that you ordered in his car and offered me money to turn down the boost in Milo’s car. I swear I wasn’t going to do it but I need the money and I actually thought he was going to win” he added.  Adrian was disappointed and felt betrayed. When the rest of the crew showed up, Adrian was quick to call out Ivan over his actions.

“Yo Ivan, you got something you want to tell me?” asked Adrian. At that point Ivan knew his whole plan had gone downhill and Adrian knew what really happened. Ivan confessed to the crew about what he did and why they lost. The whole crew was shook and disappointed at Ivan’s actions. Eventually after Ivan tried to apologize and explain why he did everything, the crew made the decision as a whole and decided to terminate Ivan from the crew. “You’re out man, I don’t know how many other times you’ve done this, or plan on doing this in the future. I can’t risk getting a bad name for my crew over one person’s dishonesty” said Adrian. At that point, Adrian’s hopes for getting his position back were crushed and he was now left in the racing scene by himself.

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