What is Life? | Teen Ink

What is Life?

September 6, 2022
By GillianRose BRONZE, Grayson, Georgia
GillianRose BRONZE, Grayson, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes in life, stuff goes wrong. People get hurt. People leave the country because there's no place to go home to. Life is a tragedy.

And yet somehow people are always smiling. No matter what happens, the person who smiles will survive.

It's almost as if God themself wants everyone to have a good time on Earth before they throw us into Hellfire. And honestly? Maybe they do. 

But you'd never believe it if someone told you this. So yeah, sometimes life has to be hard. Sometimes we need help. Or maybe it just sucks and all we can do is try our best. Try to make the world better than it was before.  We gotta keep going, even when it hurts.

Because we're human. And one day we'll look back at these stories and laugh at how silly those three little words really sound now.

 Laugh until tears run down our faces, laughing like nothing could ever hurt us again. Because what we know for sure right now... 

We're not alone anymore.

And when the world starts to spin out of control around us, we need to remember that. We need to remember that things aren't always going according to plan. That life isn't always going to work out perfectly as planned. We need to learn to adapt. Learn to accept the bad times and move forward with hope shining bright in our eyes.

But above all else, we need each other. The ones that stay together through everything. Through pain and laughter, through heartache and heartbreak. Because when it comes down to it, they're the ones whose support holds them up through whatever comes their way. It doesn't matter whether it's just a bump in the road, or a whole new chapter in their lives. They're the ones we need to hold onto, if it's possible.

The author's comments:

Gillian Rose is an American writer from Georgia, who loves to write about life.

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