My Room | Teen Ink

My Room

June 2, 2022
By Anonymous

Through the tall white door lies a small, cozy bed, pressed against the cornered wall. The bed is layered with several blankets, as it is the coldest room in the house. Eleven squishmellows are thrown carelessly on the bed, taking up almost the entire perimeter. A small nightstand colored white with subtle pink detailing on the knobs, appears to the right of the bed. Although flattering itself, the mess on top of it certainly is not; here lies an empty cheez-it bag, a Starbucks latte, candles that don’t even work anymore, and sixty two cents. Directly across from the bed, is medium sized white desk. Typically you’d find a desk has things like notebooks, pencils, pens, folders, etc., placed on it, but in this case, there’s a massive tv awkwardly centered in the middle. The tv hangs off the sides of the desk, giving anxiety to my parents each time they enter my room. To the right of the tv, is a tall mirror centered in the middle covering a coffee stain on my wall. Lastly a dresser holding six different compartments is placed in the far right corner. It’s white, just like all the other furniture in my room, with pink detailing on the knobs matching the ones on my nightstand.

The author's comments:

My name is Chase and I am a senior in high school. This piece is a detailed description of my room.

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