Anorexia and It's Causes | Teen Ink

Anorexia and It's Causes

May 30, 2022
By Nachos_123 BRONZE, Nairobi, Other
Nachos_123 BRONZE, Nairobi, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People with Anorexia experience malnutrition caused by the restriction of food they give themselves. Anorexia is when your aim is to appear and be thinner, and you starve yourself to do so; this disorder can sometimes be so severe it becomes deadly. It's more common in girls than in boys and develops because of social media expectations or genetics. Eating disorders have become more recognized by society in the past 10 years; there've also been more people with eating disorders in the past 50 years. Ever since the 1980s, media like magazines, television and social media have only become more popular, and it's known to have sparked the development of Anorexia and other eating disorders.

Letting children have access to phones and social media doesn't help. Young girls especially are looking at Instagram posts of girls with the "perfect body" and developing a mindset that they want to be like that. Instagram is primarily fake, to be honest, and most of the stuff on it is staged or fake. Young people begin to think that they need to look like an "ideal" man or woman to have worth. This destroys mental health and is what causes these eating disorders to occur.

Initially, genetics study was purely theoretical, concentrating on the physical features of genes. Study designs included situation and relatives specific genes connection research and linkage analysis of numerous affected nuclear families. A nuclear family is defined as parents and their minor children living under one roof. Some research used clinical diagnoses as well as eating disorder-related intermediate qualities, such as drive-for-thinness or body dissatisfaction.\

Overall though there are two sides to why Anorexia develops and what causes young people to be anorexic. I believe that social media has become an essential part of everyone's everyday lives, which is why it is increasingly becoming a problem and a source of anorexia and eating disorders. For example, social media sites such as Tik Tok, Instagram, and Snapchat are flooded with seemingly idealized photographs, weight, diet, and weight loss. Relatives of AN patients are more likely than relatives of healthy individuals to develop the disorder. Even though genes are thought to be too accountable for more than half of all AN cases, according to studies. Finally, it is critical to highlight the severity of this condition and to support people in stopping its progression.

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Grade 8 Student

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