Ancient Rome | Teen Ink

Ancient Rome

May 25, 2022
By Anonymous

Around 800 B.C a small settlement that just started called Rome was established. It was built along the Tiber river in modern-day Italy. After many centuries it grew to be the strongest empire. Two brothers Romulus, and Remus founded this vast empire, which grew to be a democratic, and free kingdom. At its height, it grew to be around 5 million square kilometers or comparable to all of the EU, and its population was comparable to Germany, and Hongkong combined.

As the Romans conquered Greece they took most of their traditions and practically transformed greek culture into a Greco-Roman Culture. This Culture contained many elements from both empires such as the Greek Gods being replaced by roman ones, but Direct Democracy was still up. The roman economy was very robust as they could fund almost all their military expenditures or Agricultural purposes, but most of the time the rulers would not focus on Architecture or the citizens of the Roman Empire. Roman Roads and pathways were specially built for military purposes only. Trade increased along the Mediterranean. Before the Romans made a navy keeping piracy was a big issue, it made goods, trade, shipping was extremely hard. Farming was the base of Rome. The most important crops are also the simplest crops. They are Grain (which was traded a lot in the Mediterranean to feed the massive population. Roman Art flourished many art pieces such as The Orator, and Alexander Mosaic is widely known. Most of Roman Art was sculptures, as sculptors thought they would be blessed by their gods, for making shrines to them. Ancient Romans had developed many different ways of doing science, and literature, which includes Oratory (Debates), Philosophy, Astronomy, Math, and many subjects Biology, including Anatomy, and disease finding. Philosophy was widespread as many Philosophers such as Cicero, and Lucretius made it famous. Many Greek Studies were now brought to Rome, Basically, It was apparently like this; Greek Makes study, like medicine, astronomy, etc, and then when Rome Conquered Greece they just made it famous. Greek people did not have smartphones so another way of entertainment was Gladiator Battles in the Colosseum, This usually was when the Romans Kept Prisoners of War they made them do Battles like these sometimes with, and without training. Rome was Patriarchal, which meant Men were at the center of Power. This was again another Greek law being morphed into a counterpart, as in Greece, in Sparta women were allowed to have basic rights. Overall the Roman Community was built on Power, and Studies.

There used to be a time called “Pax Romana” (Roman Peace) In this time Roman emperors such as Augustus improved Architecture. Appius Claudius was the Architect who designed Aqueducts. The Romans built aqueducts to bring water from nearby Rivers. In the case of Rome, there was an Aqueduct from the Tiber River to Rome. Aqueducts were also built as there were easier to build than canals, as it takes a long time to dig up the canals area. Romans did some questionable things with aqueducts. Some common things are Romans used to bathe in the water by making this swimming pool builds, but the weirdest part is not the sewage system, but it was when they brushed their teeth, you see when they had to use the bathroom they saved the urine, and mixed it with water, and brushed their teeth with that mixture. (gross). Oftenly Romans built aqueducts out of concrete, which was a very big development, and achievement. We build our houses, out of concrete, sometimes skyscrapers are also made of concrete, without aqueducts our houses would be flimsy, and there might not have been skyscrapers. Another famous build was the Pantheon, it was a giant domed structure, and for 17 centuries it remained the largest domed building ever. The geography of Rome was always changing as the empire was fighting war literally everywhere. The Germanic tribes in the north, Persians are coming in from the east, weird small petty Africans from the south. At its peak in 117 A.D, it spanned from England to the easternmost tip of Egypt. The major cities were Alexandria, Rome, Jerusalem, Byzantium, and Carthage. Rome the capital was heavenly protected both with soldiers and mountainous terrain. The alps pretty much covered Rome from invaders, and usually, in Winters the ground becomes muddy, and can really stop conflict in that part. This happened in World War Two as the Allies tried to attack from the South. This is very beneficial to Rome.

All in All Ancient Rome has shown Achievements, and weird things. The Roman Empire is too diverse just to explain in probably a 3-page report, but this is just to show the main cultural, Agricultural, Architectural, and the Geography of the Roman Empire.

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