Ginkgo Trees, Ginko Trees | Teen Ink

Ginkgo Trees, Ginko Trees

May 19, 2022
By Anonymous

Ginkgo Trees

I believe two types of people exist in this world, the young souls and the old souls. On this fall day in 2020, I found some of the young souls. Ginkgo trees in full bloom are magnificent, and they attract hundreds of curious people every year. On a sunny day beams of light break through the fluorescent yellow leaves and leave a warm cast up and down the street. 

Admittedly I did not want to be taking pictures that day, every word my Dad spoke sent blood pumping through my head, but I still tagged along. The universe always brings me a good photo when I’m not expecting it. 

Down the street, under the ethereal scenery, came a red moped. Bright red, cherry red, this moped was most definitely red. As the moped hummed closer I saw two people riding it, an elderly man and presumably his wife. The most daunting task for a new street photographer was now upon me: “Can I take your picture”. My hands trembled, my stomach turned, toes curled. If I wasn’t scared shitless it wouldn't be fun. They conveniently stopped on the side of the road where I was walking, thank you universe. 

I approached them before they got off their bike and, very nervously asked, “Can I take a picture of you guys”. To my utter shock, they said yes. I fired off 3 quick frames, said thanks, and we went on our way. 

Porsche Targa

It feels like at least half of the portraits I’ve taken in the past 2 years have been at the arboretum, which probably isn't true. The beautiful nature and happy aura around the property line always yield a good photo. Sometimes I bring my camera with me, even though I know there's a slim chance I’ll find the motivation to take a picture. 

It sits in my passenger seat, lonely, but also unbothered. I wish I was a camera. Upon parking at the arboretum the first thing I noticed was a Porsche, clearly older too. The paint job was a perfect mix of yellow and green, which was almost neon under the sunlight. I sat in my car for at least 20 minutes contemplating if I should step out and take a picture of the lone vehicle.

Almost as soon as I disregarded the idea, I saw a tall older man approach the car, put something in the frunk, and hop in the passenger seat. A rush shot through my heart and I thought “I have to get a picture of him” I stepped out of my car with my camera in hand, and approached the car. As I’ve approached more random people I’ve gotten a little better with the awkward question. 

“Hey sorry to bother you but can I take some pictures of you and your car”

“I don’t see why the hell not”

Perfect, I’m glad we’re on the same page.

    I spent 20 minutes circling the fluorescent body of the Porsche, capturing the badge, rims, windows, and of course David Hafley. People I meet always tell me their names at first but I always forget. Once he repeated his name at the end I remember. I gave David my number and sure enough that night I received a text from him. 

    Once I gave him the photos he told me how much his wife loved them. It hadn’t occurred to me yet that he might show these photos to his family and all his friends, which is exactly what I did. I may never see David again but I’m content knowing that I could have a small moment in his life.

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