daily life | Teen Ink

daily life

March 9, 2022
By Anonymous

So today is basically my first day back. I've been out with covid for almost 2 weeks now. I'm feeling great and hey I got to sleep for a bit longer today because of the two hour delay so the day is shorter but I still have a lot of work to catch up on, mainly math. So my plan for today is to get as much work done in school as possible and just not get anxious about any of the work. So today i have practice from 3:45 to 5:00 and then at 7 i gotta go to the home game against urbana i think i need to make sure i have a ride for all of this if not oh well. I hope that a bunch of my friends are going. I'm pretty sure that they are and I hope that it's a blow out.


Today is starting off pretty slow and its really really cold out today so the plan for today is to catch up on school work still and try and do missing tests that i have to do still so far today i have taken 2 test one in math and one in english i felt i did pretty good on both for not really knowing anything i just used common sense to be honest. I hope school goes pretty fast for the rest of the day because I have practice after school and before that I wanna go get something to eat. Subway kinda sounds pretty good right now. I know when i get home my mom is going to probably make some food so i got that to look forward to as well as right now i do wanna get a lot of sleep tonight because i'm pretty tired im even debating if i want to go to sleep right after practice and just wake up earlier than normal maybe like 3 in the morning so i can just chill out for 3 hours and just hang or do whatever.


So today is also a really slow day. I woke up this morning at 5:30, ate some breakfast and got ready for school. It really feels like a Friday today but sadly it's not. This week has just been really slow to start even know we had a day off and a two hour delay. Today I also have practice from 3:45 to 5:15 and I hope that it's not a lot. I'm still a little sore from yesterday but it's not that bad. Before practice i'm definitely gonna go get something to eat with some friends or something but today should be a chill day then when i get home i might watch some tv or something i don't know. Today isn't a really busy day. School work should be really easy today because it’s the end of the week and we just took tests in almost every class so I'm hoping it's all just review like in math.


So today has been a pretty good day so far. The only thing is that I'm tired but I'll get over it soon enough today is going pretty fast to be honest and I'm just in a chill relaxed mood. All of my classes have been really easy today and I've barely had any work to do in them. The most I've had to do is like a paper with a bit of writing. I'm just glad that it's Friday because this week has felt really long and I just feel like chilling out. There's a basketball game tonight at KR and we will most likely win because we won the last one against KR and it was a blow out so it’ll be fun i still gotta figure out who ima catch a ride ride with it'll most likely be Will or Jack.im gonna see after the game if we could all hang out that actually sounds kinda fun either go to someone's house and chill or even just grab a bite to eat after. It should be a pretty good weekend. I don't care what I do as long as I have basically nothing important to do.


Today honestly everyone should have been at home today should have been a snow day for crying out loud. It snowed all yesterday and it only stopped around 6 am when the buses were out but the thing is it started back up at 8 and it's going to keep snowing till 9 PM! At Least we have a virtual day on wednesday and we better get a snow day tomorrow if not imma be mad the snow is  gonna be bad i wish we could get out of school early or something but i doubt it because our school barley even gives us snow days when literally every other school in the county is out. I hope that practice is cancelled today. To be honest I might not even go because I don't feel like it. I dont wanna ride the bus tho it takes too long either i'm gonna get a ride from someone or ima just ask my grandpa to pick me up because I definitely don't wanna get on the bus.im really tired i just wish we did get the snow day i was so comfortable this morning i didn't even want to get up

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