The Absent Father | Teen Ink

The Absent Father

March 4, 2022
By bookworm_23 BRONZE, Warrenton, Missouri
bookworm_23 BRONZE, Warrenton, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I love books. <br /> I love that moment when you open one and sink into it you can escape from the world, into a story that's way more interesting than yours will ever be"<br /> - Elizabeth Scott

Growing up I used to question what was it that I did so wrong for my own father to leave me and turn his back on me for another family? At just the age of 6 I would remember crying to myself in the corner of the classroom while all my other friends sat around and had breakfast with their dad. I never really knew my father. He left me when I was 4 and was in and out of my life for a year and then finally completely ghosted me for about 13 years. In those years that he left me questioning my existence asking God everyday what I did for my father to leave me with no explanation. My mother met my step-dad the same year my father was in and out of my life so it wasn't like my mom was raising me by her self. But in the beginning I didn't know what to think of my step-dad because my father was still in my life. It wasn't until during those 13 years that my bio dad was gone that I grew closer to my step-dad. He picked up the pieces and showed me what a real man was and what it looked like to be a father to a kid that wasn't even your own blood. Most of all what really drove me to start to not care for my bio dad anymore and not hold on too any hope was I went through a period of time in my life where I struggled with my mental health way more than I am know and what I mean by that is I was in and out of the hospital at least twice a month. I had a period where I was in the ICU for a week. You get the idea and in that period of time my mother had contacted my bio dad and informed him of what was going on and he flat out told her he wanted nothing to do with me. He was busy with his new family. That broke me more than anything but I pulled through and came to the realization that I don't need his love to continue in life. The love I get from someone that stepped up 13 years ago to be my father when he didn't have to be is all I need and all I ever will need. That is the man that will walk me down the aisle at my wedding, that is the man that my children will call grandpa. It will never be my biological father. So in the end never question your self worth over someone that never even wanted to be committed to someone so great and amazing such as yourself in the first place. 

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