Coming Home | Teen Ink

Coming Home

January 18, 2022
By Anonymous

Finally, after a painful year of having to live in Kentucky, my mother Anne is able to move back to Wisconsin with her family after she moved to Kentucky for a year. She started to pack everything she had back into boxes so that they could be taken back to Wisconsin. 

She had never been more excited about moving in her life. As she packed her stuff into the moving truck she thought about the friends she had left behind because of the move and wondered if she would be able to see them again when she moved back.

Now my mom is 55 years old with lots of friends she has known since her childhood and was able to stay friends with after she came back from Kentucky. It is great to see that she was able to reconnect with them after she was forced to move away. I always hear her talking about how she has known someone she has introduced me to and she will say “Yeah i’ve known this person since I was a little kid. We grew up together.”

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